WMATA’s Transit-Oriented Development Objectives

WMATA’s Transit-Oriented Development Objectives

Transit-oriented development around Metrorail stations on both private and public land has direct benefit to Metro. Specifically, the greater the density and walkability of development near and around transit, the greater the ridership and revenue potential for Metro, because people living and working within walking distance of a fixed-rail station and major bus corridors tend to use transit more frequently and consistently.
Metro has seen the direct impacts of TOD on its ridership. For example, the joint development of Rhode Island Ave Metro Station with 274 residential units and 68,000 square feet of retail has increased ridership at Rhode Island Ave Metro Station by 617 boardings per year (comparing 3,405 average daily boardings in 2011 to 4,022 average daily boarding in 2016). Striving to maximize development potential around each and every Metro station, as well as connect development by safe pedestrian and bicycle paths, will generate new ridership for Metro.

WMATA Capital and Strategic Planning Committee


April 12, 2018

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By |2018-01-01T00:00:00-08:00January 1st, 2018|Efficiency/Growth, Land Use Regulation, Reference, Reforms|