Control by Licensing Over Entry Into the Market

Control by Licensing Over Entry Into the Market

No attempt has been made herein to explore exhaustively the countless number of restrictions which operate to harass the life of the small business man, regardless of his calling. But it is believed that a sufficient number of illustrations has been given to emphasize the effect on business enterprise of this series of progressive restrictions in the form of legislative restraints. Many of these restrictions cannot be justified in the name of protection of the public health, safety and welfare because they are regulatory far beyond any such requirements. Unquestionably many such statutes have been inspired and placed on the books by the activity of pressure groups with selfish motives. Many have also been prompted by a sincere desire to solve the problem of what to do with small business.

Irwin W. Silverman, LT Bennett Jr., and Irvin Lechliter

Law and Contemporary Problems

Spring 1941

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