Identifying Industry Margins with Price Constraints: Structural Estimation on Pharmaceuticals

Identifying Industry Margins with Price Constraints: Structural Estimation on Pharmaceuticals

We develop a structural model to investigate the effects of pharmaceutical price regulation on demand and on manufacturers’ price-setting behavior in France. We estimate price-cost margins in a regulated market with price constraints and infer whether these constraints are binding, exploiting cost restrictions across drugs, which come from observing the same drugs in potentially price-constrained markets (France) and in markets where prices are unregulated (US and Germany). Our counterfactual simulations suggest that price constraints generated modest savings for anti-ulcer drugs in 2003–2013 (2 percent of total expenses), relative to a free pricing scenario, and shifted consumption from generic to branded drugs.

Pierre Dubois and Laura Lasio

American Economic Review

December 2018

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By |2019-06-13T09:32:14-07:00January 1st, 2018|Intellectual Property, Political Economy, Reference|