The State of Occupational Licensing: Research, State Policies and Trends

The State of Occupational Licensing: Research, State Policies and Trends

State policymakers play an important role in setting licensure policy and are at the heart of many efforts to strike the right balance needed to protect consumers and promote economic growth and employment opportunity. As described in this report, policymakers are enacting a wide range of strategies to calibrate their regulations to meet the needs of today’s consumers, workers, employers and job markets. Occupational licensing research offers important lessons about the effects, costs and benefits of licensing policies, as well as best practices and tools for designing a smart regulatory approach. Drawing from the vast body of occupational licensing research, this report provides an overview of occupational licensing trends and policy issues, summarizes best practices and recommendations for licensing policies, and highlights state legislative and executive actions that aim to protect consumers, foster employment growth and remove barriers to work.


National Conference of State Legislators


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