The Value of Cosmetology Licensing to the Health, Safety, and Economy of America

The Value of Cosmetology Licensing to the Health, Safety, and Economy of America

The objective of this report is to detail the health, safety and economic contributions of the professional beauty industry and the critical role professional beauty licensing plays in protecting those contributions. In addition, this report will document the overwhelming public support for the industry and the licensing of its professionals. This report reinforces and supports the following: 1) Consumers expect and have a right to standards and rules, 2) Consumers expect and have a right to safe, sanitary and infection free services and establishments, 3)Professional beauty licensing fosters income and tax reporting accountability, 4) Professional beauty licensing leads to higher employment rates, facilitates market entry, and acts as a stepping stone to higher education, higher earnings and longer more sustainable careers, 5) Professional beauty licensing enhances insurability and helps protect individuals and small business owners against personal liability, 6) The American public overwhelmingly supports professional beauty licensing, 7) Nationwide harmonization of licensing requirements, and a more efficient consistent process for licensing and reciprocity across the states is required.

Nam D. Pham and Anil Sarda

ndp analytics

December 2014

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