This Week in Intellectual Property, January 14th

This Week in Intellectual Property, January 14th

Rent Check

New NBER research on the effectiveness of patents in incentivizing innovation. The case for patenting is strong in the case of pharmaceuticals, but other industries engage in patenting for reasons that go beyond the traditional anti-copying justification.

The Journal of Informetrics editorial board has resigned to start a new journal independent of Elsevier, a firm that charges exorbitant fees thanks to its monopoly power.

News and Commentary

Who owns the right to a tattoo? More importantly, should we copyright tattoos in the first place?

Bryan Adams: change Canadian copyright law to allow creators to terminate copyright transfers after 25 years. This is similar to a provision of U.S. copyright law, which allows termination after 25-30 years.

It’s copyright week, 2019! Follow EFF’s coverage of important issues on the current state of copyright law in the U.S.

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By |2019-01-14T14:14:28-08:00January 14th, 2019|Blog, Intellectual Property|