This Week in Occupational Licensing, March 18th

This Week in Occupational Licensing, March 18th

News and Commentary

Walter Olson blogs at Overlawyered on the possibility of SCOTUS taking up a case challenging mandatory bar dues.

Certificate of Need laws were repealed by the Reagan Administration but still persist in 38 states, writes Cato’s Jeffrey Singer. With the growing number of COVID-19 cases, it becomes all the more crucial to slash unnecessary regulations on hospital construction that places new building reviews at the mercy of incumbent health care organizations. Eric Boehm at Reason writes further on the nature of these laws and why reforms have been difficult to enact.

Gov. Charlie Baker announces one-day licensing for medical professionals from other states, proving there can be a silver lining to even the worst news. Walter Olson writes at Cato on how much more can be done to reduce occupational licensure and thus lower costs.

A new opinion piece at the Tampa Bay Times calls for occupational licensing reforms to ensure better access to the labor market for those with criminal convictions. Eliminating broad discretionary power by Florida’s professional licensing boards could give the formerly incarcerated a path forward.

A recent report in North Carolina calls attention to the effect of occupational licensing on military veterans and their spouses. It suggests that expediting licenses for this population and collecting data on how many obtain a license versus denials. Hopefully the state can take steps to adopt license reciprocity and remove unneeded licensing requirements.

The Wisconsin-based Badger Institute has called for reforming occupational licensing as a bipartisan step towards reducing barriers to employment.

Florida’s Governor Ron Desantis signed a bill last week expanding scope of practice for advanced nurse practitioners. House Speaker José Oliva played a key role in getting the bill to the Governor’s desk. Meanwhile the House and Senate continue to work on reconciling occupational licensing reform bills.

Independent Women’s Forum is collecting stories on the burdens of occupational license requirements from those who contribute here.

Health and Human Services is waiving regulations and licensing requirements on medical professionals in light of the COVID-19 pandemic according to a recent announcement from the White House.

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By |2020-03-24T07:55:09-07:00March 24th, 2020|Blog, Occupational Licensing|