Wisconsin Occupational Licensing Study Legislative Report

Wisconsin Occupational Licensing Study Legislative Report

Wisconsin issues four different types of credentials, which are: licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits. All types collectively are commonly referred to as credentials. For the purposes of this report, the various types are generically referred to as a license, unless otherwise specified. In addition, inaccuracy and misinterpretation are often found in the use of the terms license, certification, registration, and permit. Unfortunately, these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, resulting in confusion. Often what appear to be occupational licenses are actually business licenses. Occupational licenses are issued to individuals giving them the right to practice, whereas business licenses are issued to companies. This report only focuses on individual occupational licenses that fall under the definition of occupational license pursuant to 2017 Wisconsin Act 59. This report does not include entity, facility or business-related licenses, or other non-occupational type permits issued by the state of Wisconsin. While there are several state agencies that issue permits and other types of entity or business type licenses, only the agencies and the occupational licenses they administer are included in this report. Additionally, this report does not include licenses, certifications, permits, or registrations issued by local municipalities, counties, professional or trade organizations, or by the federal government.

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services

Wisconsin Occupational Licensing Study Legislative Report

December 2018

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