This Week in Financial Regulation, April 8th

This Week in Financial Regulation, April 8th

News and Commentary

Dorothy Slater, Eleanor Eagan, and Max Moran express concerns over Treasury secretary Janet Yellen’s apparent hesitance to fulfill her regulatory role in the American Prospect.

Bloomberg Law details China’s new tiered capital requirements for banks considered too-big-to-fail.

JDSupra’s legal news includes the rescinding of several Consumer Financial Protection Bureau supervisory easements.

Andrew Ackerman and Kate Davidson report on the first meeting of the Financial Stability Oversight Council for the Wall Street Journal, noting a focus on climate change and open-end mutual funds.


New Research

An Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen report outlines a financial regulatory roadmap for addressing climate change.

Felipe Iachan, Plamen Nenov, and Alp Simsek explore the effects of greater portfolio choice in an American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics paper.

Joshua Abel and Andreas Fuster find that mortgage refinancing expands spending and lowers rates of default in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

Yan Ji, Songyuan Teng, and Robert Townsend study the effects of digital banking and branch expansion on inequality and growth in an NBER paper.

Paul Kupiec presents the institutional concentration of financial activity in an American Enterprise Institute paper.

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By |2021-04-22T09:00:01-07:00April 7th, 2021|Blog, Financial Regulation|