This Week in Occupational Licensing, October 29th

This Week in Occupational Licensing, October 29th

News and Commentary

Kimberley Young reports for the UK’s association of optometrists that although significant progress has been made, European opticians and optometrists still face scope of practice restrictions according to the European Council of Optometry and Optics latest Blue Book.

Christos Makridis details Patrick McLaughlin’s Mercatus Center research team’s new occupational licensing measurement tool in Forbes.

David Burger supports dentistry scope of practice expansion on behalf of the American Dental Association.

Representatives Jamie Raskin, David Cicilline, and Mike Conaway introduced the Occupational Licensing Board Antitrust Damages Relief Act to prevent individual members of state occupational licensing boards from being sued for antitrust damages in their personal capacities, reads Raskin’s website.

PolitiFact Texas rules Representative Roger Williams’ claim that Texas has “lower taxes and less regulations than anywhere else in the U.S.” false, writes Brandon Mulder, mentioning a “host of occupational licensing restrictions.”

Lisa J. Huriash profiles Broward County (FL) Commissioner Mark Bogen’s county law proposition requiring locksmiths to have worked as an apprentice for at least a year and prove at least $50,000 in liability insurance for Security Info Watch.

Alyssa Hui documents Illinois’ healthcare worker shortage for ABC News Channel 20; half of Illinois nurses are 55 and older.

Nekose Wills presents The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing’s recently released Licensed to Move: Pathways, Principles, and Pitfalls for Interstate Practice in Journal of Accountancy. The report recommends recognizing mobility and reciprocity systems that work using existing model laws, developing substantially equivalent requirements for education, examination, and experience, and providing adequate public protection.

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By |2020-10-29T14:24:06-07:00October 29th, 2020|Blog, Occupational Licensing|