Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing
The 2018 national Housing Wage is $22.10 for a modest two-bedroom rental home and $17.90 for a modest one-bedroom rental home. Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, [...]
The 2018 national Housing Wage is $22.10 for a modest two-bedroom rental home and $17.90 for a modest one-bedroom rental home. Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, [...]
This annual assessment consists of two primary components: The Dodd-Frank Act stress test (DFAST) is a forward-looking quantitative evaluation of bank capital that demonstrates how a hypothetical set of stressful [...]
Housing is the most important asset for the vast majority of American households and a key driver of racial disparities in wealth. This paper studies how residential segregation by race [...]
This paper analyzes how patent-induced shocks to labor productivity propagate into worker compensation using a new linkage of US patent applications to US business and worker tax records. We infer [...]
The objective of this report is to detail the health, safety and economic contributions of the professional beauty industry and the critical role professional beauty licensing plays in protecting those [...]
Financial sector wages increased extraordinarily over the last decades. An explanation for this trend is that skill demand rose more in finance than other sectors. We use Swedish administrative data, [...]
Reliance on macroprudential tools is problematic in several ways. First, in spite of reforms to the regulation of bank capital, high leverage, regulatory complexity, and public-sector guarantees continue to be [...]
At moderate levels, debt improves welfare and enhances growth. But high levels can be damaging. When does debt go from good to bad? We address this question using a new [...]
Municipal zoning, shockingly, may be the most consequential regulatory program in the United States. This article reports findings derived from an examination of provisions of zoning ordinances and zoning maps, [...]
Does the use of assumed investment returns to value liabilities and calculate required contributions lead public pension plans to invest more in risky assets? The analysis finds that, even after [...]