Patent Assertion and U.S. Innovation
Suits brought by [patent assertion entities, or "patent trolls"] have tripled in just the last two years, rising from 29 percent of all infringement suits to 62 percent of all [...]
Suits brought by [patent assertion entities, or "patent trolls"] have tripled in just the last two years, rising from 29 percent of all infringement suits to 62 percent of all [...]
A surprisingly small number of innovative firms use the patent system. In the UK, the share of firms patenting among those reporting that they have innovated is about 4%. Survey [...]
The argument in favor of a specialized court for patent appeals is that this is an area where an expert court is particularly beneficial. But that proposition is contestable from [...]
We estimate a model of drug demand and supply that incorporates insurance, advertising, and competition between branded and generic drugs within and across therapeutic classes. We use data on antiulcer [...]
Prior work suggests that more valuable patents are cited more and this view has become standard in the empirical innovation literature. Using an NPE-derived dataset with patent-specific revenues we find [...]
Pharmaceuticals and human biologic products (referred to below as "pharmaceuticals") are regulated in virtually all aspects of the product life-cycle: safety, efficacy and manufacturing quality as a condition for market [...]
We examine the impact of loss of U.S. patent exclusivity (LOE) on the prices and utilization of specialty drugs between 2001 and 2007. We limit our empirical cohort to drugs [...]
Patent-assertion entities, sometimes known as `patent trolls,' do not manufacture goods themselves but profit from licensing agreements that they often enforce via the threat of litigation. This paper explores empirically [...]
Research shows that patent trolls cost defendant firms $29 billion per year in direct out-of-pocket costs; in aggregate, patent litigation destroys over $60 billion in firm wealth each year. While [...]
With roughly 400,000 software patents in force today it has become virtually impossible, as a practical matter, for entrepreneurs and engineers to avoid stepping on some purported inventor’s toes, no [...]